There is more to cooking than just simple food preparation. Cooking is a passion, hobby, culture and sometimes even an art. However, above all, cooking should be fun and choosing the right kitchen utensil is a crucial factor in ensuring that it is enjoyable. Victorinox has the right aid for any job – functional and high-quality products just as you would expect from the inventor of the Original Swiss Army Knife. And they come with a lifetime warranty on all material and manufacturing faults.Paring Knife with Ultra-Sharp Wavy Edge
Key Features
Ideal for fruits and vegetables with soft skin
Swiss made tomato and table knife with wavy edge
With an ultrasharp wavy edge and an straight handle
Stand up to tomato skin, show that melon who's boss. Neither fruits nor vegetables can withstand the sharp wavy edge of our paring knife.
- Perfect for cutting and preparing vegetables, fruits and other food
- Swiss made paring knife with wavy edge
- With an ultrasharp wavy edge and ergonomic handle